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Wheelchairs 4 Kids (Get to know us!)

Nina Shaw

Wheelchairs 4 Kids is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of children with physical disabilities by providing wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications as well as other therapeutic devices at no charge to the families.

We service children up to age 21. They must have been denied by Medicaid or insurance. In some instances, we may be able to pay deductibles or pay to add an accessory that insurance has denied such as an elevation element to a child's chair. Don't hesitate to call! We have several programs that may benefit the children you serve:

* Let’s Roll Program - Our most popular program. We provide children with physical disabilities with wheelchairs, small home and vehicle modifications as well as assistive devices such as gait trainers, standers, hoyer lifts, etc.

* Inventory - We periodically send out an inventory list of gently used equipment that has been donated to us. If you know of a child that may benefit from an item on the list or if your facility could use any of it, please call us. We can get that equipment to you very quickly. We'd rather have someone be able to use it than have it sit in a storage unit! Please note: If an item is not on the inventory list, we will work to find a demo or new one to purchase. Rather than an immediate turn-around, it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks.

* "Wheely Fun Days" - Kids who have participated in our Let's Roll Program may qualify for our "Wheely Fun Days" program. We invite our kids to participate in fun event s such as baseball games, meeting Winter the Dolphin or going behind the scenes at a Grand Prix. We've even taken them water-skiing using adaptive equipment!

* Facility Program - We donate gently used equipment that we have in storage to organizations or facilities.

Many children in the United States faced with living with physical disabilities are in wheelchairs that are too small, in disrepair, or do not fit the needs of the child. Children outgrow their wheelchairs before government or insurance programs will allow for a replacement. Not only is it unsafe for a child to be in a chair that is inadequate for their needs, but it can impact their health in numerous ways including scoliosis, respiratory problems and pressure sores. In addition, families are faced with trying to care for their special needs children in homes that have not been modified to meet their specific circumstances. Imagine trying to lift your teenager in and out of bed or a bathtub without assistive devices or a modified bathroom. Picture a child in a home where they can't get upstairs. Everyone at Wheelchairs 4 Kids is working hard to address this much neglected need.

Although our name emphasizes wheelchairs, we do so much more. At this time we are able to provide manual wheelchairs (power chairs if we have a refurbished one in storage or a confirmed sponsor who specifically wants to provide a power chair), ramps, door widening, hoyer lifts, gait trainers, bathing equipment and small home modifications, etc. We do have the capability to provide vehicle wheelchair ramps or carriers if the client has a compatible type of van, mini-van or SUV.

Wheelchairs 4 Kids recognizes the problems that many families face as their child's needs change or they outgrow their equipment faster than Medicaid or other insurance will allow for replacements. We do ask that families exhaust those avenues before turning to Wheelchairs 4 Kids.



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