How Women Can Lead A Disciple Group Effectively

Leading a discipleship group has nothing to do with gender, and women can play the role as effectively as their male counterparts. If you know Jesus and have good leadership and communication skills, you must do your bit to disciple other women. Consider it a chance to propagate the faith by teaching others what you know about Jesus. As you lead a group of disciples, remember that discipleship is more than a ministry job that gets you a paycheck every month.
It is an opportunity to learn and grow as you help other women do the same. Although disciple leadership sounds like a male-dominated area, do not let the idea of leading a group overwhelm you. Rather, step out and help women who can benefit from your wisdom and experience. Here are some ways you can succeed as a female leader guiding a disciple group effectively.
Share what you know
Leadership qualities come from the experience that makes you inherently knowledgeable and confident. You will probably have started from scratch and been through the same challenges and struggles your disciples face today. Share your life experiences and everything you learned in the process of growing up. Your disciples will learn better when you share the truth with them.
Be available and hospitable
Women often run short of time because they have a home and childcare to manage along with their professional and moral responsibilities. Ensure you are available to younger women who want to follow you. Carving time out of your busy schedule is easier said than done, but look for ways to squeeze it in during the weekends. Think beyond the usual church meeting scenarios, and be hospitable enough to invite your followers home when they want to meet you.
Invest in education
When it comes to becoming a successful church leader, investing in education can take you a long way. You can enroll in a discipleship training program to learn the basics of impacting people and transforming communities in the long run. Training makes you spiritually mature to lead a group with more confidence and conviction, regardless of its size and demographics.
Ramp up your communication skills
Besides training in disciple leadership, you must ramp up your communications skills as they help you connect with people at a deeper level. Be a good listener in the first place as it enables you to understand people and know their expectations and challenges better. You must also be a good orator who can get across the message clearly and convince people to follow it.
Set an example
A discipleship leader must set examples for their followers as people trust you more when you practice what you preach. It becomes even more crucial for women because you have to break the glass ceiling to prove your worth. The best way to do it is by being good in every role you play, be it a mother, wife, professional, or discipleship leader in your church.
Women are in a good place to become disciple-makers, provided they understand the significance of passing the message with dedication and conviction. Follow these tips to lead successfully and create disciples who trust you.