Best Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe Online

We're living in an increasingly digital world, and your kids must be computer literate to keep up. However, you must be careful when letting your children on the internet to avoid potential dangers. Continue reading to discover the best tips for keeping your child safe online.
Start a Conversation About Online Safety
Start an open dialogue with your kids so that you know what websites they're looking at throughout the day and how they spend their time online. Give positive words about websites you feel are okay, and talk through why certain ones might worry you. Let them know that they can come to you right away if they find anything that makes them uncomfortable.
Keep Digital Devices Where You Can See Them
While older adolescents may be able to handle having personal devices, you should always keep an eye on your younger children's electronics. Allow kids to use tablets only while in the room with them. Also, keep any laptops or desktop computers in a communal area, such as the living room. You can even set mobile devices to forget Wi-Fi passwords so your child can't use them online without you.
Use of Parental Controls
Use parental controls across all electronic devices so that your kids can only access preapproved sites and features. Manage search engines like Google so that Safe Search is activated and only certain websites show up. There are also apps you can use to see everything your children click on.
Secure Your Data When Sharing Computers
When you and your children use the same desktop or laptop, you want to make sure you're protecting your personal information while allowing them to use the computer for fun or enrichment. Use ethernet connections rather than wireless connections to make the computer more challenging to hack if your youngsters accidentally click something they shouldn't. Additionally, install antivirus and antimalware software just in case they download insidious applications.
Turn Location Sharing Off
Geotagging is a feature in many applications, networks, and gadgets that makes your location public and can potentially share it with the wrong person. You should ensure you're disabling these functions to protect your and your children's safety and privacy. Be aware that photos contain metadata that can include the time, date, and GPS coordinates of where you or your child took the picture.
Following these best tips for keeping your child safe online enables them to have a healthier relationship with the internet. Encouraging beneficial digital habits will help them well into adulthood and protect them from dangers lurking on the web.