Happy Anniversary to TBMG
Tampa Bay Moms Group is celebrating 5 years of connecting moms. We are so excited we decided to give ourselves a makeover for the occasion.

We've always prided ourselves on member feedback and we've taken in all your suggestions and made the site more mobile friendly, the forum easier to navigate, moved groups to Facebook and created a more functional and full calendar dividing events by type. Most of all we've made big changes to accommodate the traffic we have on the site so there will be virtually no loading time as you browse!
With all the changes it also has opened up the ability for members to take a more active role in the site. If you would like to become a group admin, moderator or even contribute great content like articles please reach out to us. TBMG truly is a collective effort and we want you to be as involved as you'd like. Plus there are fun perks!
Also to celebrate our new look and 5 years we will have amazing giveaways all September long!
While we are ready for our official release we aren't done yet! We also may have a few bugs to work out here and there so if you notice anything be patient or just give us a heads up. We've made contacting us even easier on the forum as well as through the contact form.
We are very excited about these changes and know you will be too. We also encourage your feedback. Here is to another anniversary and many, many more!
With love and thanks,
Your TBMG Admin Team

Bottom: Steffany Rodriguez-Neely Owner & Founder
From Left to Right: Sue Pritchard, Founding Member & Editor; Rhonda Hoornstra, Graphic Designer and Head Event Admin; Kathryn Barrett, Social Media Admin, Fitness Challenge Founder