Indoor Escapades: Creative and Educational Activities for Children at Home
When bad weather or other circumstances keep you indoors, you can turn your home into a dynamic learning space. Explore captivating...

Kiwanis StoryWalk
Kiwanis StoryWalk® is an initiative from The Kiwanis Club of Tampa to encourage literacy and exercise for children.

5 Activities Proven to Entertain the Kids During Break
Summer is the best time of year, not just for students, but us, the parents! We can finally set aside time to indulge in a wonderful...

Why should you be reading to children? You’re a busy person and they have TV, videos, CD’s, DVD’s. These things have professional...

Fifteen Favorite Halloween Reads For Children.
1. Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson The witch and her cat are happily flying through the sky on a broomstick when the wind picks...