Save the Play Dates!
Calling another mom to plan a play date for your child does not seem out the ordinary. Sure it is probably not the way we were raised but...

Three Steps to Communicating Effectively as a Parent
One of the most basic steps we work on as a family in therapy is communication. The benefits of being able to talk and grow as a family...

The Truth About Today's Modern Dads
For the past twenty-six years the image of the modern dad I observed in my community and social dad network is far different than the...

If you feel you are failing as a mom.. GOOD!
I think every mom (and dad) at some point has looked at the house in disarray, heard the kids crying, been overwhelmed by a monstrous to...

Why "Retarded" doesn't have to be a bad word
This article may upset and possibly offend some people. Before I begin please understand that is NOT my intent at all. My sole purpose...

Top 10 Manners for Kids
I get complimented on my children's manners a lot. My 12 year old son looks every server at the restaurant, uses the name they gave and...

Where did my tampons go?!
Most women long to be mothers. They picture a beautiful, snuggly baby in their arms that grows into an adorable, little toddler who...

Early childhood and parenting experts agree that parenting really IS hard today; it’s not just your imagination! Parents and children...

SAHM Attire
SAHM's get a bad rap for sitting around all day watching soaps, eating bon bons and dropping their kids off at school in their pajamas. ...

Whether you win or lose...
I'll admit it. I'm competitive. I don't always have to be the best. In fact, I am a very gracious loser (because I do it pretty ...