Tips and Tricks To Organize Your Child’s Toys
Keeping your home tidy and the kid’s things in order is a challenge every mom faces. Here are a few tips...

Creative Family Art Projects for Springtime
Create these fun and creative art projects with your little ones this spring! Your kids will love making these beautiful and colorful art pr

Tips for Encouraging Creativity in Your Child
Children are naturally creative, but sometimes, that creativity needs a bit of encouragement to flourish. Here are five tips for encouraging

How To Thank Your Child’s Teacher for Being Awesome
Teachers work hard to help our children succeed. It’s always a good time to help them by showing our teachers appreciation.

Smart & Positive Techniques to Discipline Your Children
Disciplining your child is one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. Every parent finds themselves struggling to find the proper...

Ways To Destress Your Child Before Going To the Dentist
Going to any medical check-up scares kids, especially those involving their teeth. Here are some ways to destress your child...

Moving With Kids: 4 Tips To Make It Easy For Everyone
Moving is stressful for anyone of any age, but it's even more so for children who aren't involved in the decision-making process. Whether...

Free Car Safety Seat Check
Jan. 19 - 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free Car Safety Seat Check– Fitzgerald Auto Mall - 27419 US Highway 19 N. Clearwater Road injuries are the...

Helping Kids Eat Right and Stay Healthy in the New Year
A new year can be the start of a better and healthier lifestyle. Families that eat right, get plenty of physical activity, limit screen...

ProntoWash & Discount
ProntoWash is an eco-friendly car wash and detailing company. The owners of Westshore, Brandon and Citrus park mall locations are Scott...