Positive marital role models
My parents have been married for almost fifty-five years. Growing up, my sisters and I watched as they held hands in the car, gave each...
Top 10 Manners for Kids
I get complimented on my children's manners a lot. My 12 year old son looks every server at the restaurant, uses the name they gave and...
How Will She Grow Up?
I’m spending what is left of my Friday night in bed with my laptop listening to the 90's music channel on my TV. Isn’t it crazy how a...
Where did my tampons go?!
Most women long to be mothers. They picture a beautiful, snuggly baby in their arms that grows into an adorable, little toddler who...
Early childhood and parenting experts agree that parenting really IS hard today; it’s not just your imagination! Parents and children...
SAHM Attire
SAHM's get a bad rap for sitting around all day watching soaps, eating bon bons and dropping their kids off at school in their pajamas. ...
Whether you win or lose...
I'll admit it. I'm competitive. I don't always have to be the best. In fact, I am a very gracious loser (because I do it pretty ...
Discipline "Don'ts"
We do our best but sometimes our discipline falls short, in some cases it totally backfires. You know the drill. You give you tell your...
Food Fight
Almost all of us have all been there or we will be. And if you haven't... well consider yourself lucky or be warned you're luck may run...