The Antisocial Nature of Social Media Comments
This story about a newspaper who has made the decision to disable online comments hit a little close to home because the above questions...

Teacher's No Homework Policy Goes Viral
We were really interested to hear your thoughts Monday on our Facebook post when we shared a note sent home from a teacher saying: Dear...

Zika... What do you know about it?
I'm a worrier I have 4 kids and I'm always worried something will happen. I worry about child abductions, traffic accidents, random...

Would you Microchip Your Child? I'd consider it and people are pissed off!
I got a lot of really negative blow back from doing this Micro chipping story. I never would have thought so but the reactions from total...

Dear Moms caught in the social media light
I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that you have to raise your children in fear of being judged by strangers. When I had my older girls, there was...

Newborn Sleep (or lack of)
Newborns sleep a lot... just not always when you want them to. An average newborn baby will sleep around 16 hours a day. That leaves just...

Accidents happen and Admitting that is the first step to preventing them.
We shared the first of what sadly ended up being several "Hot Car Death" stories today. We shared to raise awareness under the belief...

The truth about Farmer's Markets
Last weekend my family and I went to a "Farmer's Market" for the first time. I'd always heard great things about them and was hoping for...

How to be a "Good Mom".
Tampa Bay Moms Group loves celebrating moms. Why? Because moms are amazing! I know because I am one! Mothers are not hard to find but...

Participation Trophies
Participation Trophies. The idea is met with a a variety of opinions. While many argue they keep kids from feeling defeated or left out...